Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Okay ScrapJazzers, be gentle.

Especially since I have no idea how to use this silly Blogger, I can't seem to make it format the way I want to.

Plus, I'm tired. So I have an excuse. :p

I think these two pictures of Duke are my favorites.He has the cutest expressions, and the bench he's sitting on makes an awesome background. He was such a ham!

Look at this silly face! I got tons of shots of him sleeping upside down, with his paws straight in the air, but they didn't come out this nice. So I'll save them for a rainy day. :)

Okay so I couldn't resist putting just one of his sleeping pics. Just don't tell him lol. See the smile??!! It's like his life just can't get any better than this! About an hour after these pictures were taken, Duke was found waist-deep inside a 50 pound bag of dog food. Tell me he isn't the coolest cat.

And here's my little brother, attempting to run away from me. He was sick of my snapping away within a few seconds. But he ended up being a pretty good sport. He grabbed my camera and started snapping shots of me. They came out pretty good!

See? We have another budding photographer. He's such a cutie.

And I did have a ton more to post, but it's almost midnight and I must get to bed. back to work after a 4 day weekend. Ugh. :(

1 comment:

Nancyroo said...

Cute pics!