Monday, May 22, 2006

Look what I got....

My new aloe plant. I got it as a reward for myself after I managed to rearrange the kitchen, re-organize and move all the dishes and tupperware (including finding all the lids and matching them with their containers). I've decided that I will buy myself a new tablecloth and matching place mats once I shampoo the living room rug and give the kitchen floor a much-needed scrubbing. Baby steps are the way to go. This whole "donesticity" thing is really hitting me, and even though my progress isn't very visible, I'm proud of myself for taking 20 minutes a day to straighten up. I can feel the difference, even if nobody else can see it, because every day my 20 minutes goes a little bit further, and it's starting to feel more routine.

Okay, for some reason, my photo refuses to upload. I guess that's alright. That's what the Edit button is for.

Why did I choose something as mundane as a plant for a reward? Especially considering all the scrap supplies I've had my little heart set on lately?
Something about having houseplants makes me feel like a house is truly a home. That's been a big challenge for me since I've gotten this apartment. It hasn't ever really felt like "Home". It's felt more like a stepping stone between last year's boarding house and my "someday" real house. That's unfortunate, considering how much work I do every day to keep this place up and running. So I decided to tap into that energy that I feel whenever I walk into a house full of plants.

I think the plants in a house speak volumes about the woman of the house. It's like a touch of wild femininity in every corner. There's something very sensual about a house with plants; it tells vistors that this house is run by a woman. A woman who can cook, clean, organize, play secretary, and still have time to take care of something else.

The more plants I can surround myself with, the more I feel like I can be that woman.

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